Prof. Dr. Thomas Dobbelstein
University Projects
Optimisation-oriented analysis of food literacy among students, Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching (2024)
Sales-Funnel analysis for notebooks, Sigel GmbH (2024)
Young people's demands on the city of Überlingen, City of Überlingen (2023)
Market potential analysis for yeast oil extracted from waste bread - Bäckerei Hamma (2022)
Analysis of competition of Farny beer brand and consumption characteristics of regional vs. (inter)national beer brands - Edelweissbrauerei Farny (2022
Generation Z's understanding of sustainability in the fashion industry - Cape Town Fashion Council (2022)
Analysis of the user experience as foundation of a facelift for the Hymer motorhomes BMC-T / BMC-I - Hymer GmbH & Co. KG (2021)
Requirements of junior employees in caring professions concerning the employer - Stiftung Liebenau und Institut für soziale Berufe (2021)
Consumer Patronage of Fashion Design Entrepreneurs in South Africa and Germany - Cape Town Fashion Council (2021)
The importance of lighting in office planning - identification and analysis of decision-makers - LTS Licht und Leuchten GmbH (2020)
The influence of personality traits on shopping behavior before, during and after the Corona Lock Down in Germany and South Africa, Zentrum für empirische Kommunikationsforschung and University of Kwazulu-Natal (2020)
Influence of climate neutrality on wine purchases - market analysis in the segment of 20 - 30 year old female customers for the wine brand allure, zgm winery (2020)
Past Corona - Patients' requirements on medical practices, VISION PRAXIS (2020)
Acceptance of Multi-Channel-Technologies, Walbusch foundation chair for Multi-Channel-Management (2019)
Making puzzles attractive for non-Puzzlers, Ravensburger AG (2019)
Market potential and target groups analysis to increase leads and conversion, (2019)
Recommendations for strategic market positioning and operational optimization based on fundamental target group analyzes, Regio Airport Mengen (2018/19)
Reservations and fears of consumers towards smart home products - EURONICS, University of Applied Science Albstadt-Sigmaringen, Universtty of Johannesburg (2018)
Analysis of customer-specific purchase decisions processes for shredders - HSM (2018)
Status and development potential of digitization in the county of Ravensburg – Landkreis Ravensburg (2017)
Availability Check / Click & Collect / Click & Reserve - Multi-channel use and its determinants in Germany - Walbusch foundation chair for Multi-Channel-Management (2017)
Comparison of online and offline shopping for selected product groups in South Africa and Germany – University of Pretoria / National Research Foundation South Africa (2017)
Future and digitization of the commercial dishwasher - Winterhalter Deutschland GmbH (2016)
Image and reputation analysis - Vom Fass AG (2016)
Determinants for selecting a course of study - Sector Education and Training Authority and Wholesale and Leadership Retail Chair (2016)
Determinants of the use of price-search engines, Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences (2015)
Requirements of self-employed physicians regarding banking services, an empirical analysis in the district of Ravensburg, Kreissparkasse Ravensburg (2015)
Motivation for visiting inner cities - a trade-oriented analysis – Stadt und Wirtschaftsforum Ravensburg (2015)
Factors influencing the purchasing behavior of German dentists for X-ray equipment, KaVo dental (2014)
Satisfaction analysis of students at Baden-Württemberg, Cooperative State University, Ravensburg (2014)
Future perspectives for the Baden-Württembergische Chinagesellschaft (2014)
Analysis and recommendations for the medium-term orientation of business policy, Kürschner Mayer, Wangen (2013)
International customer satisfaction analysis Dubai, Moskau, Mumbai und Shanghai, Waldner Laboreinrichtungen (2013)
The price information behavior in retail and its determinative factors, an investigation in different commodity groups, Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Sciences (2013)
Analysis of animal protection as an influencing factor on the purchase of poultry products / Bruderhahn Initiative, Holle, (2013)
Development of the research design for the analysis of the purchasing behavior of tourists in Vorarlberg, Chamber of Commerce Bodensee-Oberschwaben, Wirtschaftskammer Vorarlberg (2012)
Customer satisfaction and image analysis for the target group schools, Waldner Laboreinrichtungen (2012)
Analysis of the requirements of users of domestic and mobile care and mobility aids to the sanitary trade, Invacare GmbH (2012)
Designing analysis of leasing models for safety systems, Bosch Sicherheitssysteme (2012)
Analysis of asset builders, Internationales Bankhaus Bodensee (2011)
Cause analysis of changed sales figures for motorhomes and caravans, Dethleffs GmbH & Co. KG (2011)
Analysis of the factors influencing the purchase of yogurt with special consideration of the naturalness factor, Danone GmbH (2011)
Influence of social responsibility on the purchasing behaviour of young people, Verein Sozialkauf Bodensee-Oberschwaben (2010)
Customer satisfaction analysis, NN (2009)
Analysis of possible motifs for the purchase of electrostimulation devices for the control of incontinence, Neurotech GmbH (2009) - GWA price in Gold
Analysis of confidence-promoting factors in the physician-patient relationship, AOK-Ostwürttemberg (2009)
Comparison of attitudes toward trademarks in Germany and Russia, Metro AG (2009)
The development of Generation 50+ and its impact on retail marketing, Universität Göttingen, real, - Handelsgesellschaft (2009)
Factors influencing willingness to purchase trademarks, Universität Göttingen (2007)
The behavior of generation 45+ in the health care market, Schindler Parent GmbH (2007)
Influence of spirituality on consumer behaviour, University of Johannesburg (2007)
Image analysis of the Berufsakademie Baden-Württemberg (2006)